The story behind my story happened two years ago.
In October 2021 I received a message on Facebook that a dear friend of mine in Romania passed away.
As he was driving home in his car, he had a heart attack. He must’ve felt something was wrong as he stopped his car in front of a house and he died there. Behind the wheel and alone. He was found dead in his car by somebody that lived in that house.
Before the end of the day, police went to deliver the news to his wife, that her husband was found dead.
It was such a shock, for her and for everybody, as it was no warning and no preparation, not for his departure and not for what followed. His wife spoke with him just few hours before, when he called to tell her know that he was on his way home.
I couldn’t understand how it was possible for that special man that always spoke in a soft voice and was so respectful and never raised his voice in anger; my friend that all his life loved being a teacher and had a passion for the village and he worked on a book, the history of his native village, and he just retired. A man of words, a man of integrity, a man of honour and decency.
Why? How?
It was hard to grasp the reality. The pain for his wife and his daughter, also dear friends of mine, as I wanted to be there for them, and even more - I wanted to be there to say one last goodbye, which I could not!
I called my friend, and as she told me what happened, I said to her words that came from pain and tears, as my words tried to swallow the distance and cross the oceans: “I'm so sorry for your loss… I cannot believe it… He was such a good man… I'm here for you if you need anything... My heart goes out to you during this difficult time.’
But they were just words. I don’t know what consolation they gave or not.
Then it was an awful soul pain because I couldn’t really mourn his loss. The space and distance ruined any possibility for any closure.
It is really hard to say goodbye for the last time but is even harder not to have the chance to.
So, I went to do what I always do when I am hurt. The next day I wrote the story ‘Gone to the Stars But Always in Our Hearts’.
The story is about a ghost that finds a way through a typewriter to make a connection between the two worlds and brings to the living a message from the dead.
To have the chance to say goodbye and make sure they are all right and to let them know that we will be all right. And yes, we are hurt, but we want to make them proud, and we will always remember them.
The story is part of my new collection of short stories, ‘The Catalogue: Family Affairs’ which I hope will soon be printed. In the book this particular story is accompanied by the painting ‘Flori de mucigai / Mildew Flowers’ by Cristina Grigorescu. This painting and its title are so fitting. But about that, maybe another time.