I believe in fostering connections between cultures, generations, and individuals.

I believe in fostering connections between cultures, generations, and individuals.

It was then...

I was born in Romania and lived there until 2006, when I moved to Australia with my children. I live in Perth, Western Australia, with my husband, who can only be labelled as ‘extremely tall’ and my dog, who can only be labelled as ‘mutt’. I love to travel and learn about new cultures, I love cooking, I love yoga and helping people embrace yoga, and my music tastes can only be described as ‘eclectic’. 

I have always been curious and wanted to know more. When I was a child, I frequently broke curfew by reading into the early hours of the morning, just me and a flashlight under a blanket, unable to sleep before I found out what happened to Jane Eyre, D’Artagnan, or Monte Cristo, or the Jderi Brothers.

Throughout my working life, I have worn many hats: mother, bookkeeper, yoga teacher, administrative manager, catering business owner, electronics technician, secretary, just to name a few. My favourite hat, however, is writer. Whenever I write, I feel like I’m being true to myself, honest and vulnerable. I feel writing not only allows other people to understand who I really am, but it also allows me to understand who I really am – and I feel exactly the same way about yoga.

It is now...

I am a very busy person, and I love being busy! I thrive on the energy of having to find solutions to the various problems life throws my way. Whenever there’s nothing big to solve, I look at the small things and try to create healthy balance in my own life.

Like the tree in my logo, I believe in constant growth and development, so I’m always looking to the future and what comes next, whether that’s travelling, a new job, a new yoga sequence, or starting a new story. How else might I find a better version of myself, if not with the thrill of trying something new?

Happiness comes from living the life you like, by living your own experiences, by finding what you want and then forging the path towards that. But, of course, that’s never easy, it is? I know I will never be the best or perfect at many things, and I’m also ready to admit when I make mistakes, when I need help, or just need to take a step back, reassess, and learn more. 

Sometimes – lots of times, even – I simply fail. That’s a natural part of life. And sometimes it’s difficult to find a bright side to a bad situation, but embracing just moving on as best as I can is the only way through. The silver lining to failure is that sometimes, without failure there is no growth.

A scene designed for my MC to interact with a famous person.
By Maria Grigorescu July 23, 2024
A scene designed for my MC to interact with a famous person. The princess has a conversation with a famous person and this will help us see what kind of person is the princess.
Travel in Ireland, notes from Cliffs of Moher
By Maria Grigorescu March 1, 2024
Description of our visit to the Cliffs of Moher in Ireland
This is the third and final part of the story The end of summer
By Maria Grigorescu February 22, 2024
The story is about a dream, a wish of a child that wanted to understand what does it mean to be a child and what it feels to receive a mother's embrace.
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