Empowering students to take charge of their physical and mental health

As a RYT 200 registered yoga teacher, and a certified kids' yoga teacher, I teach Hatha and Yin Yoga.

I am dedicated to show my students how to create their own practice. 

I love to guide my students how to immerse into the ancient practice that involves movement, using Meditation and Breathing techniques – a practice that encourages mental and physical well-being.

Awareness of body and mindfulness in practice are essential and in my classes I love explaining the meaning behind the posture and why a correct alignment is important. 

I have a hands-on approach; I like to use props and adjust the practice in a safe environment. I enjoy creating various class sequences for all ages and any level of fitness.

It has also been shown that yoga helps to improve both physical and mental health in school-age children as well as teenagers, and I enjoy showing children what yoga is about.

Essentially - I love to teach!

I believe that the future is a place that we create ourselves and yoga is the anchor that keeps us in the present; the yoga mat is the place that allows us to be where we are and not where we think we should be.

It is a good thing to love oneself. I'm here to show you that practicing yoga does improve your life.

If you treat yourself with kindness, it will guide you to treat others kindly too. Along this journey, you will discover both compassion and understanding for both you and others.
See Yoga Classes & Gallery Book Yoga Class
Together we can go all the way from building strong and healthy bodies to improvement of self-confidence and self-discovery!
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I offer:

Hatha Yoga:

Practice of yoga postures (asanas) with breathing exercises (pranayama) and meditation.

Yin Yoga:

Practice of yoga postures held for long time in deep stretches with controlled breathing and meditation.

Corporate Yoga:

Practice yoga in offices as private classes with tailored sequences for either mat or chair yoga.

Chair Yoga:

An adapted yoga practice with gentle and low impact postures for people with mobility limitations.

Kids Yoga:

Yoga Classes for schools and sport clubs tailored for group ages starting from 5 to17 years old.

"Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self." 

(from the 700-verse Hindu Scripture, The Bhagavad Gita)

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