These are things that you should not do that are inappropriate in a yoga studio or class and are disrespectful towards the fellow yoga students and teacher.
Most of them are common sense for a yoga practice, and others are connected with the spirit of community and if somebody wishes to be part of and participate in an activity that promotes the community, it is only right that certain rules take effect.
I hope we can all learn from this and if you have any suggestions or comments on these etiquette rules, I would love to hear from you.
This is a big ‘no’ and apart from the fact that is disrespectful towards the teacher and the students, any late arrival is completely disruptive, and it stops the flow of the class.
Imagine the mat as being your clean safe space. It may not be clean-clean, but it’s your place.
The mat is a personal item that deserves proper consideration. So, love your own space and respect the others’.
Believe it or not, the instructor does work to prepare for the class and always has a setting in mind with places assigned, either based on visibility or the way the instructor can walk between students. The instructor would need to know where everybody is and how to check the flow in the class.
There is always a place and a time for children and that should not be in an adult yoga class. If the child loses his patience, if the parent takes the time to speak with the child – these are noise and commotions that will impact the rest of the class. In a yoga class focus and awareness are important, and any disruptions will ruin the class and it is disrespectful towards the other students.
You should not make comments to provoke a competition in class, things like ‘look what I can do’, ‘this is easy’, or comments that might discourage others. Yoga is for everyone, and ego has no place in a yoga class.
or you have symptoms of cold or flu. The other participants in class don’t need you to share your germs. Check with your doctor if you are contagious.
Yoga class is a place for meditation and reflection. A phone ring can be interrupting and frustrating.
if the studio is quiet and meditative. It is polite to follow the studio policy.
Strong body odours either from unwashed body or from a strong deodorant or perfume can be displeasing for the others.
If you need to go earlier for a further commitment, do it before savasana. The others should not be interrupted in their last pose because you need to leave earlier.