Whoever said that the Keto diet is sad, that you cannot miss on bready foods, that you cannot miss on pizza – well, he was right.
You cannot and you shall not miss out on pizza, simply because you can make a Keto Pizza!
I give you, my Keto Pizza!
I must confess, that I had a few tries before I dared to present it to you.
Approximative 80 grams of flour which is a combo of:
- 10 grams of whey protein (about 1 Tbs)
- 10 grams of flaxseed grounded in a coffee machine (about 1 Tbs)
- 50 grams of almond meal
- 10 grams of almond flour
I mean really! Don’t stress to be too exact. If it’s 8 grams, 12 grams, 56 grams, and 12 grams – as it actually happened to be the exact measures on my last try – I swear I will not come and check up on you!
For this 80-gram-flours you need the following wet ingredients
- 3 eggs at room temperature
Other liquids:
- 2 Tbs olive oil
- 60 ml water
Other staplers – the flavor part:
- Pinch of salt (duh!)
- Pinch of baking powder
- Pinch of guar gum (or any of the ‘powders’ that usually hold together a keto dough which has NIL gluten)
- Cheese 1 cup
- Salami ½ cup
- 1 tomato finely sliced
The world is your oyster – you choose your favorite toppings, as long as they are keto and no sugary fruits.
It will be a rather liquid-ish batter, as it should be.
1- Start the oven at 180 degrees, it should be hot when you get the pizza in.
2- Prepare your tray sprayed with coconut oil and lined up with baking paper.
For the above quantity think about a tray 20 cm x 30 cm, or even smaller if you like a thick pizza.
3- Mix the dry ingredients and make sure you sift the baking powder.
4- Mix the wet ingredients.
5- Bring together the dry and wet ingredients and pour the batter into the lined tray.
6- Place it in the oven for 10-15 minutes until you can feel the surface slightly baked. That will ensure your ingredients do not sink!
7- Take it out, spread the toppings, and put it back in the oven for another 10-15 minutes or until the cheese is as you want it!
Eh voila! Who said that no flour means no pizza?
Even Ivan gave it a ‘not bad’ and my man hates anything made with almond or coconut flour.
-eggs at room temperature (or pizza will taste eggy)
-sift the keto baking powder (or will stay in lumps)
-line up the tray (or batter will stick)
-preheat the oven (or it will not bake fast enough to rise a little)
-don’t use a big tray (or you’ll have a pancake of a pizza)
I love it!